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Human Geography Nature and Scope

 Human Geography Nature and Scope.

Subject:- Geography​

Chapter :- 1​

​By:- पढ़ाकूsapiens

Geography as a field of study is integrative, empirical and practical. Explain. ​

Integrative :- ​

  • Holistic approach​

  •  integrated because the world is system of interdependencies. ​

  • Teaches interrelationship between man and nature . ​

  • man depends on resources and resource development depends upon Technology.​

Emperical :- ​

  • based on observations. ​

  • No theory based.​

  •  Based on pure logic will stop studies the phenomena.​

 Practical :-​

  •  has practical applicability​

Geography is extensive and each and every event of phenomena which varies over space and time can be studied geographically. ​

Why dichotomy between the physical and human is not valid? ​

  • Dichotomy between physical and human is not a very valid one. ​

  • Nature and human are inseparable elements. ​

  • They should be seen holistically.​

  •  Nature is described using metaphors that of a human anatomy face of the earth, eye of storm, mouth of the river , snout of glacier,  neck of the Isthamus and profile of soil​

  •  similarly region’s villages towns are described as organisms ​

  • hence they are in inseparable as they are intricately intertwined. ​

“Human Geography is the synthetic study of relationship between human societies and earth’s surface”​ --RATZEL

  • Laid foundation of human Geography. ​

  • Emphasized on synthesis. 
  • Human societies and earth surface are enveloped together. ​

“Human Geography is the study of the changing relationship between the unresting man and unstable Earth.”​ --SEMPLE

  • There is dynamism in the relationship of man and nature ​

  • Increasing needs of man and changes occurring on earth NeitheR are stable. ​

“Conception resulting from a more synthetic knowledge of the physical laws governing our earth and of the relations between the living beings which in habit it.” ​---PAUL VIDAL DE LA BLACHE

  • Offers a new conception of the interrelationships  between earth and human beings.​

  •  Introduction of possibilism​

What does human geography study? ​

  • Human Geography studies the interrelationship between the physical environment and social cultural environment created by human beings through mutual interaction with each other. ​

  • Elements Of physical environment include landforms of soils climate water natural vegetation and diverse flora and fauna​

  •  Houses villages Road Rail Network Industries forms items of a daily use and all other elements of material culture have been created by human using the resources provided by the physical environment. ​

  • While physical environment has been greatly modified by human beings it has also intern impacted the human life.  ​

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